Spiral Wound Gasket

Spiral Wound Gasket
The Spiral Wound Gaskets are composed of a metallic continuous stripe with a special shaped profile, coupled with a continuous filing stripe (Asbestos, PTFE, Grafoil, Ceramic etc) evenly wound in concentric spiral under constant stress. The Spiral Wound Gasket are reinforced on the inner and outer diameter by winding of several electrically welded spiral metal only. The normal shape is circular but it is possible to make oval shape, oblong shape. They can also be combined with jacketed gaskets to tightening heat exchangers internal shapes.
Spiral Wound Gaskets manufacturer in following types:
Spiral Without Inner And Outer Ring Suitable For Groove Flanges. spiral wound gasket are suitable for large tongue and groove joints, large male and female joints. Recommended for valves high pressure pumps. Highly suitable for use where limited gasket sealing width is available

Spiral With Only Outer Ring Used As Centering Device And Compression Stop – This is a standard Spiral Wound Gasket consisting of a sealing element and a solid metal outer ring. The outer ring performs the following important functions. (A) Centers the gasket in the joints (B) Furnishes extra radial strength to help prevent gasket blow out (C) Resist Atmospheric conditions (D) Provides a gauge reference point for detemining compression during bolt pull up. This kind of gasket are used in (1) Raised Face And Raise d face Slip –on joints (2) Plain or Flat Face Joints (3) Van Stone Joints (4) Lapped Joints (5) Welding neck Flanged joints

Spiral With Only Inner Ring used as a high pressure temperature capability – for groove flanges and general applications. This type of gaskets are used in Pressure vessels , Pumps, Boilers, Manholes, Caps, Covers etc.

Spiral With Inner And Outer Ring Of Solid Metal For High Pressure And Temperature Applications.. This are suitable for use with flat and raised face and recommended for high pressure temperature service, particularly where corrosive or toxic fluid are involved. Highly suitable for vaccum services.

Spiral With Inner Or Outer Or With Partition Ribs acts as a pass bars. Manufactured to customer design. Construction of this gasket will have sealing element with the metal clad asbestos, solid metal pass ribs for use in Heat Exchanger and Pressure Vessels. These type of gaskets are always designed to suit customer’s requirement.

Material |
Maximum Temperature |
550°c |
260°c |
Asbestos/CAF |
350°c |
650°c |
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